. 09/22/11 - seerem
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AdinaYelubayeva: Read my response to "ваш любимый лагерь?": http://t.co/XP1mD7tk

22 Sep, 2011

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turbo919_lioLIR: 【定期】っ@sakuya_919私の規制アカですどうぞ。

22 Sep, 2011

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HeyHailmi: Penat aaaa -_-

22 Sep, 2011

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Shahidsarfraz73: Whass up?? M watching takay ki ayegi barat on geo tv

22 Sep, 2011

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veritoquirogab: http://t.co/t1dI16Rh aawww i loveo you James♥ i'll always love and support you, ALWAYS♥

22 Sep, 2011

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TweetnWitKEEDIE: Walk in the barber shop, everybody look at me like "what she doin here". Then Jarell walks in...now they back to doin what they was doin

22 Sep, 2011

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Jetlag__Jetson: PROMOTION: shoot at cops

22 Sep, 2011

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JanineM_: Ser feliz não é um acaso do destino, mas uma conquista existencial. #Augusto Cury

22 Sep, 2011

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Agan agan pernah kena cantengan? ato bahasa kerennya ingrown nail?? :D
Spoiler for yang gak tau:

itu yang ane alami gan

cantenagan itu awalnya karena:
-gunting kuku terlalu pendek
-pakai sepatu terlalu sempit
-pake kaus kaki terlalu kecil
-olahraga (maen bola)
-sering tersantuk (kalo ane bilang kejedug)
-faktor nasib :ngakak

cantengan itu sebenernya adalah
Spoiler for ilustrasi:

jadi kuku kita tumbuh tapi sambil menusuk daging kita

nih gan penampakan kaki ane saat operasi pertama (ini bukan kaki ane)
Spoiler for kaki orang:

nih gan penampakan kaki ane setelah operasi yg kedua kalinya
Spoiler for kakiku:

kalo setelah operasi kedua masih gagal gan, terpaksa ane harus jalanin operasi ketiga gan yg kyk gini alias di jahit
Spoiler for WT*:

atau pake metode yg daging di sisi kukunya dipotong gan
Spoiler for DAM*:

tapi apa boleh buat gan, kalo ane gak operasi bisa jadi begini gan
Spoiler for brokoli:

untungnya ane cuma di cabut doang gan kukunya sama dibersihin dikit :addfriends

pas ane liat ternyata untuk pemulihan obatnya cuma 4 gan
1. Garamycin
2. Abotyl
3. Hansaplast atau perban
4. Banyak Doa :D

Doa in ya gan, supaya ane gak ngejalanin operasi ke-3

sorry kalo :repost
atau :salahkamar

ane cuma mau share aja, soalnya gambarnya agak DP :D

necromaniac 22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=10635819&goto=newpost
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alangkah malangnya nasib tikus ini.... dengan keadaan isi perut objek foto yang terburai, foto ini layaknya sebuah karya seni yang memiliki banyak makna disetiap bagian :berbusa:

Spoiler for rada bwk:

necromaniac 22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=10635270&goto=newpost
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Works with # Aterm # using # driver. Sold in Japan, even! http://amzn.to/rjOCGu #

22 Sep, 2011

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http://bit.ly/pnmsEt Snoop Dogg - California King Bed Remix (w/ Rihanna Visuals)

22 Sep, 2011

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New bug: 642429 - # - [coreutils] FTBFS on ppc64: The misc/seq-long-double test fails... http://deb.li/fZsj

22 Sep, 2011

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Estoy hololizado! El pélfido Impelio Amalilo ha hecho estlagos hasta en la Familia Leal. Ay, Señol, Señol... http://2tu.us/3ikc

22 Sep, 2011

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New bug: 642430 - # - bugs.debian.org: Provide a way to set current message as a bug's summary... http://deb.li/3YVFR

22 Sep, 2011

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breaking away from the twitter api (for the most part) would make implementing this features hard for non identica specific client

22 Sep, 2011

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teste http://www.slideshare.net/haraldf/business-quotes-for-2011

22 Sep, 2011

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♺ @adamretter: XML Summer School Ignite Talk slides "Web Apps: Your doing it wrong!" http://t.co/cTl8LRJ9 # # # #

22 Sep, 2011

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@reality keep up the good work.

22 Sep, 2011

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@dbs bah, you tease! I was going to anyway since it was suggested on http://www.news.software.coop/six-of-the-best-podcasts/1149/

22 Sep, 2011

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Gigi d'agostino - bla bla bla #

22 Sep, 2011

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@mnementh verstehe ich nicht – ich kenne eine Menge Piraten, die für Frauen, Männer & Eichhörnchen attraktiv sind.

22 Sep, 2011

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Mutualisation of the Post Office? Have your say in # consultation. http://ur1.ca/55ex8 # #

22 Sep, 2011

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Kommentar zum österr. Terrorpaket: Die Erosion der # http://unurl.org/ewL # # #

22 Sep, 2011

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\o/ ~♺ @okhin: Que sont les bugs informatiques ? Un docu animalier sur ceux qui envahissent @Le_Loop http://t.co/lVmR3H3j

22 Sep, 2011
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sing your song, sink your ship, go home: Get some sleep!

22 Sep, 2011

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22 Sep, 2011

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Esperando la debianización que va a hacer @yukiteruamano de @Turpialve dev v1.6 /cc @k1efer @satanas @effiejayx @michelenlared

22 Sep, 2011

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@johnnynull that might be because blur is not supported with indirect rendering. But in general it's a bad idea and choice is removed in 4.8

22 Sep, 2011

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Diese Seite müsst ihr euch echt mal angucken # http://www.prosite.de/v_server/virtual_server_uebersicht.html

22 Sep, 2011

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mariiibeth: pgen baca smua novelnya @radityadika kaga kesampe"an :'(

22 Sep, 2011

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sz__y: 【定期Post】スカイプ suzu0118 あまり使いませんが申請どうぞ!

22 Sep, 2011

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milly2194: 2 hours in at the hairdressers. Still another hour to go for cutting and drying. Hope its worth it!

22 Sep, 2011

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emi_n3: うわ、林檎潰すざっとん見たいけどもったいない…潰したあとって食べれるの?←

22 Sep, 2011

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leticiacostta_: Já fiz minha colinha básica k

22 Sep, 2011

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ZullyGol: Y hoy dónde será la balacera? Días...

22 Sep, 2011

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lisafarhana: cc @amaleenamohamad BAHAHAHHA RT @MentionTo: #MentionTo your friend who has tiny eyes.

22 Sep, 2011

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BillyHomario: Religion

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/BillyHomario/statuses/116889895649280000
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starstarstar24: awee she's cute RT"@Twinfrey15: Miss my lil long hair don't care ~~~~~>  http://t.co/juwAg2of"

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/starstarstar24/statuses/116889894076416000
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teenlifeinwords: It's not about having a perfect relationship but its finding someone who matches you, and you will go through everything without giving up.

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/teenlifeinwords/statuses/116889898073600000
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tn810551: わーい!!起きれたー!!寝てない!!

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/tn810551/statuses/116889897746432000
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Neecy_McNasty: Imma give the business to you !

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/Neecy_McNasty/statuses/116889900476928000
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shirou103: 羽川さんとしか言いようがない。羽川さん!

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/shirou103/statuses/116889900804096000
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takuya_71: takuya_71さんは、09/22 23:59 に地球にいませんでした。 1.80mジャンプ! #moonjump #宇宙兄弟 http://t.co/hgTTDueQ

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/takuya_71/statuses/116889899537408000
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sofiasayHYE: #scared #scared #scared

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/sofiasayHYE/statuses/116889902792192000
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SlerpOnMy_TREAT: Man WTF is this world coming to

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/SlerpOnMy_TREAT/statuses/116889903207424000
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jvkeboxhero: The devil may care, but i dont

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/jvkeboxhero/statuses/116889903949824000
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inu_mof: カステラ欲しいね、あるいはケーキ

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/inu_mof/statuses/116889906768384000
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Dimemondgirl: Goodmorning to you too @SaviAssStr33tz lolol.

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/Dimemondgirl/statuses/116889905522688000
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iklimah_marchaa: RT @ngeTweetAja: Jangan pikirkan masa lalu, tetapi masa lalumu kamu jadikan untuk motivasi masa depanmu, tuk terus bisa meraih mimpimu! ♦

22 Sep, 2011

Source: http://twitter.com/iklimah_marchaa/statuses/116889907816960000
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